70 is the new 50 as Boomers embrace minimalism

Richard A Meyer
2 min readJan 29, 2023


A new survey revealed that boomers are becoming more daring with their hobbies and interests-adding marathons, hang-gliding-and even getting a tattoo-to their bucket lists. The poll of 2,000 adults over 50 found that 62 percent are keen to embrace things now, more than they used to. And don’t call them seniors.

47 percent of boomers have a new outlook on life. Writing a book, taking up skiing, or conquering a mountain are among the things on their list-confirming that 53 percent of respondents believe ‘age is just a number.’

The research suggests that they now have more time for themselves and feel ready to take on new challenges. More than half (52 percent) think it’s important to have aspirations, and three in 10 are more likely to fulfill them now than later. Reasons for this include having more spare time (62 percent), retirement (43 percent), and no longer having children who live at home (37 percent).


1. Travel more
2. Retire
3. Make new friends
4. Pay off the mortgage
5. Go to more gigs and concerts
6. Downsize my home
7. Master a foreign language
8. Overcome a fear
9. Move to the countryside
10. Write a book
11. Take up yoga
12. Eat in a Michelin-starred restaurant

Boomers Embrace Minimalism

For years, baby boomers’ big wallets and significant disposable income allowed them to buy big houses, fill them up with lots of beautiful stuff, then buy even bigger houses, and fill them up with even more stuff… and so it continued. But as we’ve gotten older and a little wiser, and as we enter a new phase of our lives, many baby boomers are adopting minimalism as a lifestyle choice because they’ve discovered that less can mean more.

Many boomers are tired of the mental, physical, and financial burden of their once-beloved large homes and properties. They are ready to let go of much of the stuff that weighs them down and prevents them from living the life they want… a lifestyle that provides more mobility, flexibility, and a lot less responsibility.

They can then choose to spend their time on what matters most to them: their relationships, experiences, health, and passions that light them up.

Boomers finally realize that having excessive stuff creates clutter, disorder, and chaos in their homes and lives, but that stuff can also feel empty and meaningless. Many boomers have realized that when they intentionally remove the excess and unnecessary stuff, they free up time, money, and energy to focus on what matters most to them.

Originally published at https://thoughtsofaboomer.com.



Richard A Meyer

Marketing and Political thought leader — Writer- Audiophile