Are Online Ad Impressions Worthless?

Richard A Meyer
3 min readMay 19, 2024

Most brands allocate substantial portions of their marketing budgets to online advertising, lured by the promise of reaching vast audiences with precision targeting. However, an unsettling debate is simmering beneath the surface: are online ad impressions worth the investment?

Understanding Ad Impressions

Ad impressions are a metric that signifies how many times an ad is displayed on a webpage, regardless of whether it is actually seen or clicked by the user. Advertisers often pay for these impressions, assuming that more views equate to higher chances of engagement and conversion.

The Illusion of Visibility

One of the primary issues with ad impressions is the assumption that they equate to visibility. Just because an ad is loaded on a page doesn’t mean the user saw it. Numerous factors contribute to this illusion of visibility:

  1. Banner Blindness: Users have become adept at ignoring banner ads, instinctively filtering them out as they navigate web pages.
  2. Ad Placement: Ads placed in less prominent positions on a page (e.g., below the fold) are less likely to be seen.
  3. Ad Blockers: A significant portion of internet users employ ad blockers, meaning some paid impressions are never actually displayed.



Richard A Meyer

Marketing and Political thought leader — Writer- Audiophile