Is Engagement Still a Relevant Brand Metric for Social Media?

Richard A Meyer
3 min readApr 13, 2024

The metrics used to gauge success have shifted alongside the platforms in social media marketing. Once hailed as the holy grail of social media metrics, engagement is now being scrutinized as marketers delve deeper into the nuances of online brand presence. So, the question arises: Is engagement still a relevant brand metric for social media in today’s digital age?

To answer this, let’s first understand what engagement means in social media. Engagement encompasses a variety of interactions that users have with content, including likes, shares, comments, and clicks. Traditionally, high engagement rates indicated a strong connection between a brand and its audience. However, as social media algorithms evolve and user behavior changes, the significance of engagement as a standalone metric is being re-evaluated.

One of the primary reasons for this reassessment is the issue of authenticity. In the race to boost engagement metrics, some brands have resorted to clickbait headlines, comment pods, and incentivized likes. While these tactics may inflate engagement numbers in the short term, they often result in hollow interactions that do little to foster genuine connections with the audience. In essence, chasing engagement at any cost can compromise a brand’s authenticity and credibility.



Richard A Meyer

Marketing and Political thought leader — Writer- Audiophile